Registration form
Photo Competition Rules
- I agree to the use of the contact details provided by me in the form for current contact in matters related to the Competition.
- I agree to the publication of basic data such as my name and surname in relation to informational and marketing activities carried out by TangoMode-aga in coonection with the Competition.
- I agree to transfer the copyrights to the photos submitted to the Competition to the Organiser free of charge.
- I agree to the dissemination and use of the submitted photos without time limit, for marketing and advertising purposes, on the website, social media, in publications and exhibitions organised by TangoMode-aga.
- I accept the rules of the competition. Read regulations.
Who can take part?
Amateurs and professionals.
Who is the organiser?
- TangoMode-aga Agnieszka Lewicka
- ul. Jarzębinowa 5,
- 59-100 Polkowice, Poland
Date of the competition
6.12.2018 – 9.09.2019
Announcement of the winner
On the website, on Facebook, by e-mail, and during the premiere of the new calendar. The date and place will be announced in October 2019.
Where should I send my pictures to?
E-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Terms and conditions of the competition
- Picture showing a garment from the collection of TangoMode-aga.
- Picture in JPG format and original size.
- One person can send a maximum of 10 photos.
- Each photo should be signed according to the following scheme: name_surname_picture number from 1 to 10.
- Photomontages, collages, pictures bearing dates or watermarks are not accepted.
Advertisement in the 2020 calendar in the form of publication of the name and surname of both the photographer and the model, plus website address for professionals. In addition, a GIFT VOUCHER worth 100 euros to be used for purchase of products from the TangoMode-aga collection, available on The gift voucher may not be exchanged for shoes or money.
Your personal data is collected in order to organise the competition and will not be transferred or sold. The administrator of your personal data is TangoMode-aga. You can request removal of your data from my database. Please email me at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.